Farming Mini-App
An outline of our community-centric farming features.
Building on Telegram as a fundamental tool for Web3 and crypto inter-connectivity, we've developed a dedicated mini-app designed to offer users exclusive token farming opportunities, airdrop events and coin rewards.
By securing exclusive partnerships with leading DeFi and NFT projects, we're able to secure a small percentage of a total project's token supply to be offered directly to the BeamBot community.
This means that via participation in the mini-app, a simple click-button feature means tokens from various ventures can all be conventiently and passively earned in one place.
Of course, the purpose of this is to once again drive value towards our community, whilst simultaneously rewarding our partners with increased public visiblity and exposure.
If that wasn't enough, we've also developed a dedicated Lootbox mechanic that produces randomised rewards for players, with returns being settled in tokens or tickets.
Finally, our user referral mechanic rewards members of the BeamBot tribe that invite their friends, meaning BeamBot is able to efficiently expand its user base and subsequently develop its impact on Telegram-bases Web3 projects.
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